Club News

You Yangs Trails Update, 15-16/06/2024


Track 1, Eastern Epic, will be closed this weekend, Saturday 15/06/2024 and Sunday 16/06/2024 due to a large running event.

Please also be note that tracks 15, 16 and 17 are in use for the MTB section of a duathlon event on Sunday morning, 16/06/2024. Please be mindful of additional riders on these tracks.

You Yangs Trails Update

You Yangs MTB trails have reopened after the recent heavy rains.

Please note the following remain closed:


Downhill MTB track 10 Turbulence.

Downhill MTB track 12 Bandages or Glory.


A section of MTB track 16 Plantation is closed for the foreseeable future. 

Please be mindful there as there is still some surface water in particular areas, riders take care.

Working With Children Check

Junior Racing

Geelong Mountain Bike Club is a childsafe club.  It is important to us to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for young people, and we are constantly assessing our operations to ensure we are fulfilling our responsibilities under the AusCycling Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

We have been working toward ensuring all our volunteers have a Working With Children Check (WWCC), and Service Victoria has just made this a little easier for us all. You are now able to download your WWCC to your digital wallet. The link to the instructions is below.

From the Winter race season, we will be asking all volunteers at races where U18 are present to show their WWCC. 

This will include marshals, first aiders, photographers, timing and race/event coordination.

Please refer to the GMBC Juniors page for full information.

Club contact details:
PO Box 496, Geelong 3220 VIC
Mob: 0407 433 682

Remember GMBC is a 100% volunteer run organisation, so even if you can only spare a little time here and there – please go and get your WWCC for free and be ready to support us when your schedule permits.

3 Hour Twilight Race – Volunteers Needed

GMBC needs volunteers for the 3 Hour Twilight Race on Friday 9 February at 7pm for marshalling and First Aid. If you’re not able to race due to injury or not feeling up to racing but still keen and able to help out – please drop us a line via Messenger, the club email or the contact page.

Vector mountain biking illustration with a cyclist, mountains and trees

GMBC Club Champs Volunteers Needed

GMBC needs volunteers for upcoming club championship on Saturday November 4th.
Not able to race due to injury or feeling up to racing in the champs this year?
Still keen and able to help out?

We’re looking to cover a range of roles, including but not limited to:

  • BBQ.
  • Marshalls x 3.
  • First aiders x3, including one roving first aider.
  • Photographers, one roving and one at the race village.
  • Registration.

Please use the contact page to get in touch if you are keen to help with any of the above.